2010 m. vasario 10 d., trečiadienis

Using Original Cartoon Drawings to Illustrate Your Blogs

It's true to say that practice makes perfect, and that certainly applies if you're learning to draw cartoons. But practice for the sake of practice can become monotonous and boring. You need to find a continuous source of motivation, and you can do this by giving your cartoon drawings a real purpose.
The idea is to illustrate the posts on your blog, with your own, original cartoons. Whatever the content of your blog may be, there is always a cartoon angle - and all the material you need to come up with a great cartoon idea is right there before you.
For example: if you are writing on something topical and newsworthy, your illustration could be a supplementary comment on your subject matter. You could look at the theme from a different viewpoint, highlight and repeat the main viewpoint in a visual form, or focus on a related theme. Take your inspiration from editorial and political cartoons, and dare to come up with your own versions.
For a review blog, your illustration could be a comical interpretation of the chosen product, or a scene depicting the product being used - with or without successful results.
For personal blogs you can focus on the title of each post to come up with some visually humorous ideas. Your cartoon could then combine all the key elements of your theme and add to the entertainment value of what you are writing. Even if your theme is not funny, a cartoon can still communicate your story without making a joke of it.
For a diary-type blog, you could create a cartoon character of yourself and feature it in all your ideas. It's not everybody who has a cartoon character of themselves, but you don't have to be famous to have one if you create it yourself.
These cartoon illustrations don't have to look professional or intricate - simple sketches are sufficient - but the effect on your readers will be worth the extra effort. Everyone knows that illustrations can enhance the attraction of a written piece, and original, humorous illustrations will give that extra personal stamp that makes your blog even more unique.
As far as drawing-practice goes, you are in fact commissioning yourself to draw cartoons on a regular basis and on real-life situations. This is a great way to develop your creative mind, and give a real purpose to your cartooning exploits, ensuring that you get all the necessary experience you need to develop your cartoon drawing ability.
Cartooning is actually very easy, if you want it to be, and my website http://drawingcartoon.net is there to show you how you can become an original cartoon artist. Or check out my article How To Become A Cartoonist on http://hubpages.com/hub/How-To-Become-A-Cartoonist for more inspiration.

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